Best presentation award form You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. A) AfSHG SPY– Nomination i) Publication Date: (Please provide the date that the paper was published. Note that papers older than 1 year will only be considered in extraordinary circumstances). ii) Title of Paper and Abstract (Please provide the full citation for the paper you are nominating. Note that the nominee must be the first author or a co-first author). iii) URL for Full Text (Please provide a direct URL to the paper on the publisher's website. Note that papers under review are NOT eligible). iv) Please write a brief explanation (1000 characters max) as to why the article should be considered for an AfSHG Spotlight Paper v) What is the topic category of your paper? Bioinformatics & Genomic Technology Complex Traits & Polygenic Disorders Evolutionary & Population Genetics Molecular Basis of Mendelian Disorders Statistical Genetics & Genetic Epidemiology Therapy for Genetic Disorders B) Nominee Information Please provide information about the trainee you wish to nominate for consideration for the AfSHG Spotlight Paper for YAS. Please note, self-nomination is accepted. i) Nominee Name & Surname (Please provide the first and last name of the trainee you are nominating (including degrees, e.g. PhD) for the Trainee Paper Spotlight). ii) Nominee Email (Please provide the best email address to contact the nominee). iii) Nominee's Position Undergraduate Student Graduate Student Medical Student Medical Resident/Clinical Fellow PhD Student Postdoctoral Fellow Other… Enter other… (Please provide the nominee's current position). iv) Nominees affiliated Institution (Please provide the name and details of the nominee's current affiliated institution (do NOT abbreviate)). v) Mentor/PI/Supervisor (Please provide the name of the nominee's current mentor, PI, or supervisor). vi) Is the nominee an AfSHG current standing member? Yes No (If NO, please proceed to fill part C) Unknown C) Nominator Information Please provide the following information ONLY IF YOU ARE NOT NOMINATING YOURSELF. i) Nominator Title, Name & Surname ii) Nominator Email iii) Nominator Institution (Please do not abbreviate). iv) What is your relationship to the nominee? Mentor/PI/Supervisor Friend Colleague Other… Enter other… Submit